Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Intrepid, Met, and 18

It has been quite a busy week over here, going into New York three times and running around like a crazy person. In my last post I talked about where I had gone on Monday, so here's what I did on Tuesday... 

First Stop: The Intrepid Sea, Air&Space Museum

almost died going down the stairs

this looks like something out of a sci-fi movie

Then to the Metropolitan Museum of Art,

could probs make the same thing, nbd

my new bedroom

the angsty teenager being super dramatic
After a long day in the city we stopped at an old favorite of my family's, Dallas BBQ. When my grandparents used to live in the city there was one about a block up from their apartment. Our waitress must have been psychic because after we ate, she brought out mini cupcakes (probably left over from something else, but whatever free food). And I got this super cute picture.

Speaking of pre-birthday celebrations, at the last Theater club meeting of my high school career, last Wednesday, I had the wonderful idea to have my "birthday party" there because a)I don't have to plan anything b) senior assassins is well underway and I can't risk inviting the enemy to my house. So I brought a cake into school and had everyone sing, I felt so loved, it was great. The cake (which I designed myself had the funniest photo of my on it that I have ever taken. 

this gem
In a dollar bill.

It was so funny. I also had the honor of getting the piece with my face on it.

To add to the busy week, I also had made plans to go into the city with some friends and my family for dinner and such.

Only problems were:
  • Ed Sheeran decided to play a show on my birthday that most of my friends were going to except me, and two of my other friends
  • It took 2 hours to get into the city because I decided it was a good idea to switch to the path train in Newark Penn (DO NOT DO THIS)
  • I didn't know when the reservation for dinner was
  • My friends and I were 50 blocks away from the restaurant when we had our reservation
  • tried to take the subway down to 14th street, went up instead of down
but other than that, it was pretty good.

my brother keeping warm by my birthday candle light

We're too cute

And I'm going back in on Saturday...

Talk to you later,

-Karin xx


I also made an 18 piece Bucket List for Year 18 list which, hopefully will all be done by this time next year.

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