Sunday, January 7, 2018


So keeping up with this blog did not happen in 2017 - at all. Between spotty wifi and general exhaustion, my internet writing went off the map (while I did keep a journal for the better part of the beginning of the year, the accounts were limited to one page per day, and lack any critical details), my bad though, because 2017 was probably the best year of my life, hosting incredible adventures, amazing friendships, epiphanies, and life changing decisions that I am so happy to have made. This year I am hoping to be better, mentally, physically, and with my writing (which I know was supposed to happen last year but I can only strive for it again this year as well).

With that in mind, a quick catch up would make sense, I think, to encapsulate my 2017:

  • Visited 15 countries on 3 continents, moving my count up to 21
  • Lived on a ship while going to school
  • Hiked 24 miles on the Great Wall of China
  • Crawled through Vietnam War era tunnels
  • Flew over the ancient pagodas Bagan, Myanmar in a hot air balloon
  • Visited the Taj Mahal
  • Went shark cage diving in Shark Alley South Africa
  • Was accepted into a Ghanaian village
  • Rode a camel into the Sahara (and back out too) 
  • Said goodbye an amazing group of friends, who I will be seeing soon
  • Did a solo trip around Germany, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria
  • Graduated with Honors 
  • Saw San Francisco, Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon
  • Moved to England to finish my degree 
  • Met even more amazing people
  • Realized the true impact people have on one another
Of course this list is rather lengthy, but the year had this incredible way of moving quickly while also feeling never ending. This list is also accompanied by thousands of photos, videos, mementos, and whatever other little things we use to hold onto a memory. And because I have so many photos and stories that I want to tell, I am making it a goal of mine to make more content that encourages exploration of places both close by and far off. 

I also want this year to be a year of following and pursuing passions. And I hope it will be. 

Here's to 2018.

Talk to you later,

-Karin xx

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