Anyway, I flew down to Florida the Wednesday before school let out and I was ecstatic to be away from everything for a while.
Here is a generic window shot from the plane. enjoy.
When I got to my Grandma's house I found her little beagle, Daisy just waiting to go for a walk
We stayed in Florida for five days while my Dad played in the hockey tournament, which in turn meant I got four days of swimming/beach bumming and one day for a college tour. This is where I spent my days
Before my Grandma headed back up North, we went out to dinner to Owen's Fish Camp, which in my opinion, had the friendliest, most Floridian atmosphere I have ever experienced. It's located in downtown Sarasota but feels as if you're in Key West. We had to wait for a table but there was plenty of seating in the backyard portion of the restaurant. There was a live string band performing, which entertained those who were either at the bar or waiting for a table.
I was able to record a few of the songs they did, and surprised myself with how much I actually enjoyed listening to them
I liked the atmosphere of the entire area the most though. The building were covered in murals and fantastical trees,
the only things that made it better were the weather, the decorations that seemed to have accumulated over the years, and of course the amazing food.
I may have been too hungry to wait and document it for instagram, but let me tell you, that food looked as good as it tasted. Everything was homemade there and you could tell the time the cooks took to make sure their food went out perfectly to order. I definitely recommend going there if you have the chance.
I then proceeded to on a college tour before my Dad and I began driving home. I visited Florida Gulf Coast University, which if you haven't heard of it, that's because it's only 16 years old. The campus a little bubble outside Fort Meyers, which my Dad says looks like Squidward's head. I really liked the school after going to the tour (mostly because it's in Florida) but also because it has the majors I want to pursue.
The day after the tour we began driving to our next destination: Clemson, South Carolina.
My next post will be all about the rest of the trip through South Carolina and Virginia, all the way home.
Talk to you later,
-Karin xx
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