Tuesday, December 30, 2014

christmas and resolutions

On December 24th as my family was busy speed cleaning for that night, I took a little trip to my friend Ali's house, in an effort to escape the inevitable "throw everything in your room cause I don't want to get rid of anything ever but also am constantly complaining that I want a clean house" lecture/yell , though upon my return I did in fact pretend clean enough to look like I actually did work towards the goal. The reason why we were frantically cleaning christmas eve morning rather than that night for christmas day, is because my grandmother is a very traditional german grandmother. Rather than christmas dinner it's christmas eve dinner, we open presents that night, but not after the grandkids sing for an allotted amount of time (that my grandma decides, also its not very pretty).

I also made this snazzyass gingerbread house all by myself
Casper the friendly ghost/snowman 

this house took me 4 hours to make and it came preassembled... 

animals helping


ooh so artsy

le back door
Then people started showing up in my house

the shrine to the penguin overlords, clearly

also dogs

nothing but socks for christmas (and money, but mostly socks)
With 2015 coming at us like a freight train, I would like to say 2014 was actually a pretty good year, other than being sick for six months and the stresses of being a junior in high school. I had a job at the camp I loved growing up, I crossed Greece off the list of places to go, got accepted to (right now) three school and counting and had a relatively good time going through the experience. Note to those applying to schools: I did my essays in one take, read them other, and sent them in. None of that rewrite 87 times shit teachers talk about. Write about something you're passionate about, elaborate when needed and you'll be fine. I also didn't have anyone else peer-read/edit my work, cause I don't have time for that nonsense, especially when it comes to something about yourself or your experience. 

For 2015 I want to make some resolutions that will hopefully make it through the year (also by posting it on the internet I have to do it)
  • hopefully get into Clemson (my #1)
  • travel with friends (roadtrip?)
  • go to 3 new countries
  • learn to speak and understand French (I can read it already)
  • actually redecorate your room, you've had the paint for quite some time now
  • apologize to those you've wronged for no reason (the concept is easy, the action is hard)
  • actually graduate
  • write more letters
  • get super duper sexy and hot
  • keep in touch with friends
  • speak up more and do something if it bothers you
  • just own that sassy fucking attitude that no one expects from you
Talk to you later ;D

-Karin xx

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

christmasifying my house

Christmas is here once again, and as I rush around doing school work and house cleaning and all that jazz that everyone LOVES to do,  but I did have a little time to document the Christmas chaos that my house has become. Just see for yourself...

My dog has become a living present

The elves are running rampant in my living room

the stockings are coming...

creepy elves congregating 

A complete (almost) christmas tree

This elf already has bad intentions...

Charlie Brown and an army of Snoopies along with m&m reindeer can only be up to no good
(Also christmas card circa 2005 in the background making an appearance)

A raft of penguins has invaded my house and are collecting at the fireplace

stockings are multiplying

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and I'll see you on Christmas!

Talk to you later,

-Karin xx

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving ootd

 Here's a quick post since Thanksgiving is coming up in America, and I figured I'd put my outfit up here to show the people of the internet, because, why not?

This bodycon crop top is from the Bethany Mota collection at Aeropostale 

This skirt is from Old Navy

I would wear these nude wedges with this outfit, but I'm having Thanksgiving at my house, so I'll probably go with some black flats
here is a grandkid-grandma photo

And that's that, an easy-peasy Thanksgiving outfit. 
Now I have to get back to "analyzing" Frankenstein quotes for English
Talk to you later,
-Karin xx

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friends with a capital F.

Being a quarter way through senior year and only having about seven months left in high school scares me a lot. Just the other day I swear I was 14 year old freshmen not knowing much of anything about anything. I had the realization yesterday that I'm getting older, and I'm not too sure how ready I am for "adulthood".

While I'm going crazy trying to get my life together, my friends are keeping me sane (somewhat). It's never a dull moment, whether I'm at the lunch table, in math, gym or ceramics, the probability of seeing me not laugh or smile is slim.

This is why I am so fond of these people. On days like today, the opening day of the play, Diary of Anne Frank, we have "red carpet day" (spoiler: it does not involve a red carpet) where everyone in the cast and crew dresses to the nines (kinda) and take super snazzy pictures with each other, also causing a huge blockage of people in the hall outside the lunch room. Even though I am not involved in this year's play, I figured,"why the hell not?" and got dressed up too. Being that it is one of my last opening day/night things I made sure to document the occasion.

You're welcome.

Then some candids

Also my camera was stolen

 It was also a day of twinning yesterday

                               Example 1:
                                Example 2:

Again, you're welcome.

Talk to you later,

-Karin xx