I had already had ideas for decorating my for at least two years, like displaying statement necklaces and polariod photos and creating a postcard wall with all of the postcards I've gotten since I started collecting them. Lucky for me I was able to do just that.
But I'm still in the process of recreating my room, for instance, I'm currently in the middle of painting all my furniture white (have been for the past two years) . I'm also horribly messy and slow at putting away clothes and generally cleaning up but eventually (hopefully by next week) I'll have my room in order and then can start on doing the same to the rest of my life (don't even get me started on my college prospects which currently involve moving transatlantic and taking another year of high school in Germany, maybe that's what I'll talk about next week).
The fact that I'm writing this at 1 AM makes this statement true.
Talk to you later,
-Karin xx